October 31, 1993
45 minutes
2024-09-12 01:46:21
Version 2
Stardate: 47229.1. A new arrival to the station with a special gravity-based disability appeals to Bashir's heart; meanwhile an old associate of Quark's comes to the station to kill the barkeep.
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Medical log, stardate 47229.1. Chief O'Brien and I have been working overtime to prepare for the arrival of a new cartographer. Ensign Melora Pazlar is the first Elaysian to join Starfleet and, as such, requires special accommodations.
(It's an electric wheelchair.)
DAX: I haven't seen one of these in three hundred years. I'm surprised it was even on file in the replicator's data bank.
BASHIR: It isn't. Ensign Pazlar sent me the specifications.
DAX: She really uses one like this?
BASHIR: Her normal anti-grav unit isn't going to work here. Same problem we had with the Starfleet cargo lifts. Cardassian construction just isn't compatible.
KIRA [OC]: Ops to Bashir. The Yellowstone has just docked at airlock fourteen, Doctor.
BASHIR: We're on our way.
BASHIR: Just think what she's gone through to get here, Jadzia. What it must be like to adjust to our gravity after growing up on a planet with such low surface gravity.
O'BRIEN: Doctor. We've done the best we can with the ramps. The Cardassians obviously didn't have her in mind when they built this place.
BASHIR: I've managed to modify the maximum vertical clearance of the chair three centimetres to a slope of fifty six degrees.
O'BRIEN: That still leaves a lot of places around here she won't have access to.
DAX: Can't we just use the transporter to help her get around?
O'BRIEN: It makes sense to me, but she sent word that it wasn't be acceptable to her.
DAX: I wonder why.
BASHIR: I know exactly why. She went through the Academy the same way. Once her basic needs are met, she refuses any special assistance. She's extraordinary.
DAX: You make it sound as though you've known her for years.
BASHIR: I almost feel as though I have. I've pulled all her personnel and medical files to get ready. Her quarters. They're ready, aren't they?
O'BRIEN: I've got the bumps on the head to prove it.
BASHIR: Thanks, Chief.
O'BRIEN: Let me know if there's anything else I can do.
BASHIR: That'll be something to see. When we turn off the gravity and she flies around the room.
(With motor assist bands and a walking stick, she staggers forward, exhausted but determined.)
MELORA: Ensign Melora Pazlar reporting for duty.
DAX: Welcome to DS Nine, Ensign. I'm Chief Science Officer Jadzia Dax, and this
MELORA: Doctor Bashir. We spoke on subspace.
BASHIR: Good to meet you in person.
MELORA: I see you have my trolley car ready to go.
BASHIR: As requested.
DAX: Can I help?
MELORA: I'm fine, thank you.
(She goes carefully down the steps and sits in the chair)
MELORA: That's better. You've modified it.
BASHIR: Yes. I wanted to give you as much mobility as I could.
MELORA: I've been practicing on the model I requested for a month.
BASHIR: Well, it's no problem. We can replicate the other design.
MELORA: No, I'll just have to adapt.
DAX: I'll be accompanying you on your survey mission.
MELORA: I really don't think that'll be necessary, Lieutenant. I'm perfectly capable of piloting a runabout.
DAX: Commander Sisko thought that it
MELORA: I'm sure he thought what every officer I've ever served with has thought. That I need extra help to get the job done. Please tell him I don't.
DAX: Commander Sisko wouldn't allow any Ensign take a runabout into the Gamma Quadrant the day after she arrives.
MELORA: I'm sure the Chief Science Officer has more important things to do than to chart a sector in the Gamma Quadrant.
BASHIR: Um. Here we are.
MELORA: You didn't modified the specifications I gave you for my quarters, did you?
BASHIR: Not one iota. You can control the gravity unit with this device. If you'd care to try it out.
MELORA: Thank you, I will. It was a pleasure meeting both of you.
(She trundles in and the doors shut in their faces.)
(It's a large gold irregular loop)
ASHROCK: Paltriss only created eighty of them. Each a work of art.
QUARK: And I've come into possession of forty-two.
ASHROCK: Forty-two? My world will honour your name for returning the Rings of Paltriss to his birthplace.
QUARK: Honour my name all you want as long as your honour is accompanied by a hundred and ninety nine bars of gold-pressed latinum
ASHROCK: I heard you drive a hard bargain.
QUARK: Shall we celebrate our closing the deal with another drink?
(Another person enters)
QUARK: Excuse me, I'm sorry but we're not open yet if you'll come back in
(Sees the person and dashes back to Ashrock)
QUARK: Have another drink on me.
(Returns to his new visitor. How does a species evolve with a mouth trapped behind a piece of bone or cartilage?)
QUARK: Fallit Kot, is it really you? How long has it been?
FALLIT: Eight years. Eight long years.
QUARK: It can't be. I must say, you look terrific. Tanned, toned up, all of that baby fat has disappeared from your face.
FALLIT: You don't keep extra weight on where I've been.
QUARK: Just passing through, are you? I'll bet you have business in the Gamma Quadrant. You always had a sharp eye for fresh territories.
FALLIT: I'm not going to the Gamma Quadrant. My business is right here. With you.
QUARK: With me?
FALLIT: That's right. I've come to kill you, Quark.
[Commander's office]
DAX: I've gone through her mission profile and she certainly seems to know what she's doing.
SISKO: Nevertheless, this is her first deep space assignment, and it doesn't make sense to me to. (whirr of electric motor) Here she is.
(The wheelchair can't get to the office)
SISKO: Welcome, Ensign. I'm Commander Benjamin Sisko.
MELORA: Am I late?
SISKO: Not at all.
MELORA: It looked as though the meeting had already begun.
SISKO: Dax and Bashir were just telling me about your request to pilot a runabout alone.
MELORA: Wouldn't it have been more appropriate to include me in that conversation?
(Melora uses her assist bands and sticks to climb the stairs)
SISKO: I was getting a briefing by my senior officers, Ensign. We discuss personnel matters all the time.
[Commander's office]
MELORA: I'm sorry if I seem overly sensitive, but I'm used to being shut out of the Melora problem. The truth is, there is no Melora problem until people create one. This may sound ungrateful, because Doctor Bashir has been wonderfully helpful in the preparations for my arrival, but frankly, I wonder why a medical opinion is necessary in this discussion.
DAX: Julian knows more of your capabilities than any of us.
MELORA: I don't need a medical opinion to tell me my own capabilities.
SISKO: Ensign.
MELORA: I simply object to being treated like someone who is ill.
SISKO: I don't see anybody doing that.
MELORA: Try sitting in the chair, Commander. No one can understand until they sit in the chair. I have been in one chair or another since I left my homeworld. My family gave me this cane. It's made from the wood of a garlanic tree. They had no idea what it would be like to live off-world in what you consider normal gravity. Only a handful of Elaysians have ever left home. But I always knew that I had to be one of them. I dreamt about exploring the stars as a child, and I wasn't going to allow any handicap, not a chair, not a Cardassian station, to stop me from chasing that dream.
SISKO: You must feel a great deal of pride about you've achieved.
MELORA: And I've achieved that, Commander, without being dependent on anybody. To be honest, I prefer to work alone. It's simply easier for me.
SISKO: I am not comfortable sending you alone into the Gamma Quadrant.
MELORA: Sir, I can focus on the job better, I can work at my own pace without being a bother to anyone else.
SISKO: Lieutenant Dax will be going with you.
MELORA: Yes, sir. When do you wish to leave, Lieutenant?
DAX: Your schedule is fine with me.
MELORA: Then tomorrow at oh seven thirty.
(Bashir rings the doorbell and we hear the sound of something being turned off or on)
[Melora's quarters]
BASHIR: Is it working? The low-grav field actuator. I just heard it go off.
MELORA: It's working fine.
BASHIR: So you were just
MELORA: For me, it's like slipping into a hot tub at the end of a long day.
BASHIR: Really? I'm a shower man myself. Look at this. Is this your husband? Boyfriend?
(A picture of Melora and a male flying)
MELORA: Doctor, if you came for an apology, Doctor, I apologise.
BASHIR: Apology?
MELORA: My speech wasn't intended to attack you personally.
BASHIR: I'm sure you never set out to attack anyone personally, but you do seem to attack a lot.
MELORA: That's rather insensitive of you, Doctor.
BASHIR: Julian. I'm no longer your doctor.
MELORA: I see. You've decided I need a friend.
BASHIR: Was that an attack? You see, you do it so well, with such charm, it's hard to tell.
MELORA: I really don't mean to
BASHIR: Sure you do.
MELORA: I beg your pardon?
BASHIR: Of course, you mean to. All of these broad shots you fire it's your way of keeping the rest of the universe on the defensive. Has to be. You're too good at it.
MELORA: Well, it always seemed to work pretty well. Until now.
BASHIR: That is the nicest thing you've said to me, or anybody else. Are you hungry? I came here thinking about asking you to dinner.
MELORA: Then afterward we'll go dancing, I suppose.
BASHIR: Red alert.
MELORA: Sorry.
BASHIR: Come on. There's a new Klingon restaurant open on the Promenade, if you like that sort of thing.
MELORA: All right.
QUARK: Dinner is served.
FALLIT: I didn't order dinner.
QUARK: What better way to mollify, satisfy a hungry traveller than with a delicious home-cooked meal? Starting with a delicate Vak clover soup.
(Kot pours the soup on the floor and breaks the dish.)
QUARK: Why spoil your appetite with soup? Here's the real treat. Jumbo Vulcan mollusks. Sautéed in rhombolian butter. A taste so exquisite, it's to die for. Or to live for, for that matter.
(Kot tries it)
QUARK: Do you know dabo, Fallit? It's a wonderfully entertaining game and easy to learn. I took the liberty of lining up a couple of excellent tutors I know.
(two dabo girls sit)
QUARK: Be sure to ask them about their double down betting strategy. If I haven't made it clear, I intend your stay here as pleasurable as you could ever imagine. So, allow me to propose a toast to old friends.
FALLIT: Old debts.
[Klingon restaurant]
CHEF: Gagh Tek Or.
BASHIR: Shall I order for us both?
MELORA: All right.
BASHIR: Let's see we'll have some racht of course
CHEF: Racht.
(A handful of worms plonked onto a plate)
BASHIR: And a double order of gladst. No sauce please.
CHEF: Gladst usu bal.
BASHIR: And a side order of zilm'kach. Is that too much for two?
CHEF: Zilm'kach.
(He puts some apricot pieces on the plate and hands it over.)
CHEF: Drak doo.
(Bashir pays with coins that the Chef bites to check they are genuine)
BASHIR: Don't be alarmed.
(She fondles the worms)
MELORA: Excuse me, Julian, but I can't eat this.
BASHIR: I know how it looks but
MELORA: P'kar tel Durg Le Frakn'l?
CHEF: Dug a bul, rah'tar!
MELORA: D'tel klop a bul!
CHEF: Pak't pol!
MELORA: D'kar tel G'denna!
CHEF: I like a customer who knows what she wants.
(He takes back the plate, throws it over his shoulder and holds out a fistful of fresh worms)
MELORA: G'denna. There's nothing worse then half dead Racht.
(Bashir takes the fresh plate, and the chef bites the coins he pays with.)
CHEF: Gagh Tek Or.
(They go to a table. After the meal.)
BASHIR: When I was ten, my father was a Federation diplomat on Invernia Two. One day, when we were out on a remote part of the planet, we were hit by a massive ionic storm. While we were waiting it out, we found an Invernian girl about my age who was sick. After the storm cleared, my father went for help, but it was too late. I sat there and watched her die. The next day when he returned, his guide told us that we could have treated her with a simple herb that was growing all around. I could have saved her life.
MELORA: And so you started to study medicine.
BASHIR: Actually, first I started to study tennis.
MELORA: Tennis?
BASHIR: I really thought about making a career of it.
MELORA: You must be very good.
BASHIR: Well, I used to think so, but then I went to my first major competition. my opponent served first and I heard the ball bounce past me. The computer announced it was good and I realised I was in trouble. Turned out I had more talent at medicine than tennis.
MELORA: I have an early mission tomorrow. I better get some rest.
BASHIR: Of course.
(Dax rings Melora's doorbell. There's no reply.)
DAX: Dax to Pazlar. Computer, level one security access.
[Melora's quarters]
DAX: Ensign Pazlar? Computer, locate Ensign Melora Pazlar.
COMPUTER: Docking level twenty two, section fourteen.
DAX: Section fourteen?
(Melora's wheelchair is stopped by a doorway without a ramp. Melora has fallen and her assist-bands are making her legs flail around.)
DAX: We need to get you to the Infirmary.
MELORA: It's my own fault. I decided I could use an extra astrometric array after going through the mission profile again. I came to the storage bay to get one. My mind was already in the Gamma Quadrant. I wasn't paying enough attention to what I was doing. I guess my boot didn't make the lip of the door. I fell on my controls.
(Back in the wheelchair)
DAX: Dax to Bashir. Ensign Pazlar's had a minor accident. We need to see you in the Infirmary.
BASHIR [OC]: Acknowledged. I'll be there in three minutes.
MELORA: What kind of an architect would deliberately design a raised rim at the entrance to every door?
MELORA: So much for the dangers of the Gamma Quadrant. I didn't even make it there.
BASHIR: You will. There's no concussion. You can reschedule your mission for tomorrow.
MELORA: It was so. Flopping back and forth like a broken toy. I didn't want anyone to find me like that but I couldn't get up by myself.
BASHIR: Why didn't you wait for Dax before you went into an area that was unmodified with ramps?
MELORA: I didn't need Dax. If I'd just paid attention.
BASHIR: Melora, no one on this station is completely independent. In space we all depend on one another to some degree.
MELORA: I just want you all to know that you can depend on me.
BASHIR: You've proven that. Now, what do the rest of us have to do to convince you?
MELORA: Of what?
BASHIR: That you can depend on us.
BASHIR: Have you ever heard of the work Nathaniel Teros did with low gravity species thirty years ago?
MELORA: Neuromuscular adaptation? It had no practical success at all.
BASHIR: No, but the principles were sound and a lot of progress has been made in neurochemistry since then.
MELORA: You think some day I could throw away the chair?
BASHIR: Theoretically, perhaps.
MELORA: Would you like to come in?
BASHIR: Oh, no. I know how much you look forward to turning down the gravity.
MELORA: Don't let that stop you.
[Melora's quarters]
MELORA: You may want to brace yourself until you get used to it.
(Gravity reduced, she flies from her chair.)
MELORA: Come on, Julian.
BASHIR: What do I do?
MELORA: Just give a gentle push. It's easy.
BASHIR: This is astonishing. I can't tell you how curious I was about this.
MELORA: Most people are. Sometimes they make me feel like a carnival attraction. So, usually I prefer to keep everyone out.
BASHIR: Thank you for letting me in.
MELORA: He's my brother.
(The picture, idiot.)
(Melora kisses Bashir. 53 more things to do in zero gravity?)
[Runabout Orinoco]
(WHOOSH. Through the wormhole)
MELORA: Setting course twenty eight mark one forty two.
DAX: Confirmed.
MELORA: Computer, any Vulcan etudes on file?
COMPUTER: Affirmative.
MELORA: If you have no objections? Computer, play something by Delvok.
DAX: Delvok never seems a Vulcan to me. There's too much emotion in his music.
MELORA: It's pretty. Tell me something, Lieutenant. You think there's room for romance in Starfleet?
DAX: I think so.
MELORA: You've made it work?
DAX: Now and then.
MELORA: I mean, really work.
DAX: Oh, really work. Well, for that I'd have to go back a hundred and fifty years.
MELORA: That's a long time.
DAX: Could it be that Doctor Bashir's bedside manner's won you over?
MELORA: Our species are just so different.
DAX: Since when has that ever stopped anybody? I knew a hydrogen-breathing Lothra who fell hopelessly in love with an Oxygene.
MELORA: You're kidding! How could they even be in the same room?
DAX: Forty minutes a day without their breathing apparatus, that's all. Fifty seven years they were together.
MELORA: What about career conflicts? Two friends of mine from the Academy got engaged even though they knew they were being assigned to different starships.
DAX: Subspace relationships? That's a tough one.
MELORA: They may not be together for a year or more and even then only for a few weeks.
DAX: Love across light years, it's just so
MELORA: It lacks intimacy.
DAX: You could say that.
MELORA: I finish my mission here, I move on to the next one. What kind of future is that for a romance?
DAX: Look at the alternative.
MELORA: I guess.
[Security office]
ODO: Oh. It's you.
QUARK: Don't be so happy to see me.
ODO: All right, I won't.
QUARK: Odo, there's a desperate criminal on board the station.
ODO: You wouldn't be talking about Fallit Kot, who just finished eight years in a labour camp for hijacking a shipment of Romulan ale, and whose name was right next to yours on the original indictment?
QUARK: I had nothing to do with the hijacking itself. I was only the, er, middleman.
ODO: Trafficking in stolen goods should have been enough to get you your own cell at that Romulan camp. Unless, of course, you sold out your partner.
QUARK: I can honestly say justice was served.
ODO: I would imagine Fallit Kot is looking for his own kind of justice now.
QUARK: He threatened to kill me. (Odo smiles) What?
ODO: Nothing. Just a passing thought.
QUARK: Odo, he means it. Nothing I do seems to change his mind. You've got to do something.
ODO: I'll do my job, Quark.
(Quark leaves)
ODO: Unfortunately.
MELORA: Racht, anyone?
BASHIR: I've been waiting for you. I've got something to show you.
MELORA: What is it?
BASHIR: It's a computer model of an elevated neural output from the brain's gross motor cortex. It's stimulating acetylcholine absorption to increase muscular tensile strength.
MELORA: The neuromuscular adaptation theory?
BASHIR: It was a theory thirty years ago, but with the development of neo-analeptic transmitters during the last decade, it's not even that complicated. It's just that no one's gone back to re-examine the ideas of Nathaniel Teros, until now.
MELORA: This could actually work?
BASHIR: No more servo-controls, no more chair.
[Security office]
FALLIT: Have I done something wrong?
ODO: Not that I'm aware of. We have something in common.
FALLIT: We do?
ODO: I don't like Quark either, but I can't let you kill him.
FALLIT: Kill him? Did he tell you I was going to do that?
ODO: I know your history together.
FALLIT: Let bygones be bygones, I always say.
ODO: I always say you can tell a man's intentions by the way he walks.
FALLIT: How do I walk?
ODO: Like someone carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders.
FALLIT: Must be the memory of those Romulan bricks I carried for eight years.
ODO: Must be.
FALLIT: But you can't lock a man up for the way he walks, can you?
QUARK: Well?
ODO: I'd say he's a man with nothing to lose.
QUARK: As opposed to me.
ODO: I have no reason to hold him for now and he knows it. I'll watch him the best I can, but I suggest you carry a comm. badge with you at all times. Call me at the first sign of trouble.
QUARK: What if the first sign is the last sign?
ODO: You people sell pieces of yourself after you die, don't you?
ODO: I'll buy one.
(Melora is on a biobed with things on her forehead and chest.)
MELORA: My heart is pounding.
BASHIR: I'd like to think that has more to do with me than the neo-analeptic infusion.
MELORA: Would that also explain why my backside is getting warm.
BASHIR: That's more likely the result of the neuromuscular tissue stimulation due to increased activity in the motor cortex. I'd say that's enough first time out. It's good that you've already been using your muscles in this gravity environment. It'll make it easier to adapt. Feel any different?
BASHIR: Nothing at all?
MELORA: I'm sorry, Julian.
BASHIR: The acetylcholine absorption is precisely at fourteen percent above normal. Increased tensile strength would be the inevitable result.
(She wiggles her toes)
MELORA: Julian? I can lift my leg.
BASHIR: Your neural pathways are beginning to adapt. Endurance and coordination might take awhile, but we should have you walking within the hour.
SISKO: How's the upgrade coming?
O'BRIEN: We've been able to get it to about seventy percent of what we'd get with a standard EPS, but it looks like that's going to be
(Enter Melora and Bashir on the turbolift)
O'BRIEN: I'll be damned.
MELORA: I wanted to give you our first day's mission summary myself, Commander.
SISKO: A pleasure, Ensign.
DAX: Julian, how did you?
BASHIR: Oh, it was simply a matter of increasing the output on the brain's motor cortex. Someone else's research actually. I just dotted the i's and crossed the t's.
O'BRIEN: Well, you'll get your name into the medical journals for this one.
BASHIR: Yes, I know.
MELORA: Julian, I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm not sure I can make it.
BASHIR: Easy now. It's just the first day's treatment beginning to wear off.
(He turns the assist bands back on)
MELORA: Thank you.
BASHIR: Nothing to be concerned about. Look, I'd better get you back to your quarters. I want you to get a good night's rest tonight.
MELORA: Thank you.
BASHIR: Habitat ring, level fourteen.
[Melora's quarters]
BASHIR: With each progressive treatment you should get stronger, and the effects should last longer.
MELORA: What about this?
BASHIR: A low-grav environment now would really confuse your motor cortex.
MELORA: I understand. Julian.
BASHIR: You let me fly for the first time. I let you walk. We're even. I'll see you in the morning.
[Quark's quarters]
(It's dark.)
QUARK: Lights. Computer, turn on. (starts to leave) Quark to Odo.
FALLIT: No one can hear you, Quark. It's just you and me.
QUARK: Fallit. I wasn't prepared to entertain this evening, but make yourself at home.
FALLIT: I already have.
QUARK: What's mine is yours. All you have to do is ask.
FALLIT: I'm tired of your gifts, Quark. All I want is your miserable life.
QUARK: Wait! Everything's negotiable. Believe me, I'm worth much more to you alive.
FALLIT: How's that?
QUARK: How does a hundred and ninety nine bars of gold-pressed latinum sound to you?
FALLIT: It's a start.
(Another treatment for Melora)
MELORA: The mattress felt like rocks and every one of my muscles ached all night long.
BASHIR: You'll adjust to that after a few more treatments. This time the effects should last for several hours.
(She sits up)
MELORA: Exactly when does this become irreversible?
BASHIR: Melora, if you're not certain?
MELORA: Oh, I'm sure it's just some strange form of buyers remorse. I'll be fine.
BASHIR: Tell me exactly what you're feeling.
MELORA: Last night, I just missed. I didn't feel like me.
BASHIR: If you want to end your dependence on the chair and the servo controls, you're going to have to give up the low-grav environment. You knew that that was the trade-off.
MELORA: And it seemed like a good trade, until I realised I couldn't do it anymore. If I could just spend
BASHIR: I'm just concerned that going back and forth could ultimately lead to a loss of fine motor control.
MELORA: Meaning?
BASHIR: Your ability to perform complex tasks could be affected. The effects are fully reversible for the next few days. We can pull the plug at any time before then. But after that, if all goes well, your motor cortex impulses will kick in on their own. Permanently.
[Runabout Orinoco]
MELORA: It's starting to wear off again. I don't understand myself. How could I possibly have second thoughts? This would mean real independence. It's everything I ever wished for. But then I start to think about home and how I won't be able to go back. Well, maybe just for a short visit, but never really go back.
DAX: The Little Mermaid.
MELORA: Mermaid?
DAX: It's an Earth fable by Hans Christian Andersen. She trades her magical life under the sea for a pair of legs to walk on land.
MELORA: Didn't she live happily ever after?
QUARK: Ashrock. Right on time. May I present my longtime business partner, Fallit Kot.
(Fallit takes the back of latinum.)
QUARK: For your inspection.
ASHROCK: Exquisite.
QUARK: Then our transaction is complete.
FALLIT: Not quite.
(Kot has pulled a phaser)
FALLIT: I'll be taking them too.
ASHROCK: They warned me about you.
QUARK: Not true. A deal is a deal. Rule of Acquisition number sixteen. Kot, you got what you came for. Now let's be reasonable.
(Ashrock draws his weapon and Kot shoots him. The bag of rings flies into Quark's hand.)
FALLIT: Pick it up. Pick it up! Move! Hurry up! Move! Move. Let's go.
[Security office]
ODO: Priority one security to level twenty two, section five.
(Quark has both hands full. Fallit uses him as a shield against the two deputies firing at them.)
DAX: I'm sure Julian will understand. Besides, he can still publish the results from your first treatments.
(Quark and Kot come round the corner)
FALLIT: Both of you, back into the ship. Let's go! Move it! Come on, move it.
[Runabout Orinoco]
FALLIT: Now get us out of here.
QUARK: He's already shot a man. Do as he says. I'll just wait in the back.
FALLIT: In the front where I can see you. There. Hurry up.
MELORA: I'm moving as fast as I can.
DAX: She's an Elaysian. She's needs motor support in our gravity.
O'BRIEN: They're in the Orinoco. Docking clamps have been released, thrusters engaged.
SISKO: Ready a tractor beam. Open a channel.
KIRA: Open.
SISKO: This is Commander Benjamin Sisko. Return to the station at once.
(Bashir enters)
KIRA: No reply.
SISKO: Engage the tractor beam.
[Runabout Orinoco]
DAX: They've locked on to us with a tractor beam.
FALLIT: Open the channel to that Commander of yours. Release this ship or I'll kill a hostage.
SISKO [on monitor]: I'm willing to negotiate your freedom but first release those
FALLIT KOT: Didn't you hear what I just said?
(Points his gun at Quark.)
FALLIT KOT: No, I have something
FALLIT [on viewscreen]: Special in mind for you.
(He shoots Melora instead)
FALLIT [on viewscreen]: Do I make myself clear? Release the ship now.
SISKO: Doctor, Chief, with me. Beam us to the Rio Grande. Give us ten seconds and then disengage the tractor beam.
KIRA: Understood. Energising.
[Runabout Orinoco]
DAX: They've released us.
FALLIT: Through the wormhole.
FALLIT: What was that?
DAX: I'm not sure.
FALLIT: What was it?
DAX: Another ship coming through the wormhole.
(Melora is waking from the stun)
FALLIT: Take us to warp.
DAX: We haven't even set a course yet.
FALLIT: I don't care about the course. Just go to warp
DAX: If we don't set a course, we could warp ourselves into oblivion.
FALLIT KOT: Fine. Set a course. Just get us out of here.
[Runabout Rio Grande]
O'BRIEN: They're powering up their warp drive.
SISKO: Stay with them.
O'BRIEN: Engaging warp engines.
BASHIR: Can we beam them aboard at warp?
O'BRIEN: I wouldn't recommend that.
[Runabout Orinoco]
FALLIT: Get the phasers ready.
DAX: I'm not going to fire at them.
FALLIT: You'll do it or you'll die. It's your choice.
DAX: Fine. Then I hope you can fly this ship.
FALLIT: Just sit down and do what I told you. Now!
(Dax sees Melora inching her way along the floor, and sits down)
DAX: Quark, how well do you know this man?
QUARK: We've been friends for years, not counting today.
DAX: I suggest you explain to him that Starfleet isn't going to give up and stop chasing us.
QUARK: That's true, Fallit. You don't know these Starfleet types.
FALLIT: Then we'll all die.
QUARK: Great. We escape and he's got something special planned for me. We don't escape, I just die with everyone else. Am I missing a choice, Fallit?
(Melora touches a control and the gravity switches off. Dax switches off the engines. Melora flies and takes out Kot easily)
[Runabout Rio Grande]
O'BRIEN: They've dropped out of warp.
SISKO: Go to impulse.
O'BRIEN: Sir, their gravity generators are off.
BASHIR: Melora's alive.
O'BRIEN: Gravity's been reinstated. All engines are down.
SISKO: Come on, Doctor.
[Runabout Orinoco]
(Quark is holding a phaser on Kot.)
QUARK: I think we have the situation in hand, Commander.
SISKO: Sisko to Rio Grande. Everything's under control. We're going home.
O'BRIEN [OC]: Aye, Commander. Setting course for the wormhole.
[Klingon restaurant]
MELORA: Why didn't the phaser kill me?
BASHIR: I don't know. Maybe all the neuro-stimulants we've been pumping into your system.
MELORA: That's what I was wondering too.
BASHIR: You know, it might make an interesting side effect of the treatment. It's worth exploring.
MELORA: Julian, I'm not going ahead with the treatments.
BASHIR: Well, you can always try it again someday, if you change your mind.
MELORA: I don't think I will. I like being independent, but to give up everything that I am to walk on land. Well, I might be more independent but I wouldn't be Elaysian anymore. I'm not sure what I'd be. Besides, maybe independence isn't all it's cracked up to be. I kind of like how it feels to depend on someone for a change. And I'm glad you got me to unlock the doors to my quarters so I could finally let someone into my life.
BASHIR: So am I.
(The Chef breaks into a serenade, accompanying himself on a tiny one-string violin)
CHEF: Aler acht'jar Aler act'jar T'lembda boool-gah toh-gal. Aler acht'jar Aler act'jar T'lembda boool-gah toh-gal.
BASHIR: You must be exhausted. If you don't want to stay.
MELORA: Let's just sit a while and listen.
CHEF: Rom, rom. Keldor
MELORA: I want to remember all of this.
2024-09-12 01:46:21 -
Added the transcript.